Monday, September 01, 2008

I fought the war and the war won

I have been fighting a war, a war against my one true nemesis although since they are legion, perhaps that would be nemesi? But yes, the moths have infiltrated my home. Bastards. Strangely these insidious beasts have not been targeting the wool, perhaps because I am neurotic about the wool and quarantine it in the freezer for a week after purchase and then transfer it to paper bags filled with lavender sachets and stapled shut. No, the enemy prefers the touch and feel and dare I say... taste, of cotton. I actually found a larva *shudder* trying to nom my trench coat, and was like "dude, good luck with getting through the waterproof coating".

So attempting to fight the good fight, I bought a vacuum and found their base(s) which seemed to involve copious amounts of cat hair . My clothes are quarantined in plastic tupperware bins with copious amounts of Irish Spring(tm) soap, and my fridge and freezer are filled with yarn and knitwear. I haven't seen any of the air patrol lately, but I am on high alert.

In other news,

I have been working on the Drop collar cardi from the new VK.

The pattern is full of errors and missing info, so I emailed VK and they did eventually post the errata. Woo hoo.

I am making it out of Patons Classic Merino, but I fear it is not going to look great on me because of my short waist and giant inflated rack. When working on the body I had the idea that this was going to be a longer sweater however, I think the sweater shown in the VK photo has an extended seed stitch panel because the model is tall and skinny. I'm not crazy about what the ribbing is doing on mine, but I'm sure it will be fine after blocking....which I won't be able to do until after the moths are extinct. I also think I'm going to do full length sleeves with an extended cuff that can be folded over. I definitely have enough yarn since every time I walk by Mary Maxim, I pop in and get an extra ball.

and lastly, I went to the In the Loop finalblowoutgetridofallthestock sale and picked up 5 skeins of Brown Sheep lamb's pride in white. which I will dye after the moths have been eradicated.


and 2 skeins of Noro Kureyon sock yarn in murky colours which I have been wanting to buy but haven't been able to justify it until now. It's sad to see such a great shop close down, but hopefully the ladies' future endevours will work out.

oh and it appears my building has a new system of collecting rent. Instead of the usual slipping it under the superintendent's door and if you are lucky, getting a receipt in the mail box, there is a burly guy named Tony who pounds on your door in the early morning and loudly demands the rent. Considering today is the first of the month, I think the shouting and pounding is a little premature. Also he wasn't too impressed when I asked for a receipt.

oh and one more whinge. It's the freaking airshow again and it's louder than Tony.